Now you can play with bubbles during the winter too!
Crazy Ice Bubbles is specially formulated for Winter Bubble Outdoor fun that is easy for kids to use Bubbles freeze differently at temperatures below freezing. Transform bubbles to crystal like phereses at certain temperatures or lengths of time in cold weather, they fly amazingly far AND you can catch them!
Crazy Ice Bubbles look like Snow Globe or Snow Bubbles while freezing and look different every time. Crazy Ice Bubbles work in most winter condition!
This new outdoor winter play pattern brings fun to winter weather.
Get your order on time! See order deadlines.
Product name: Crazy Ice Bubbles
Manufacturer number: S127
Mastermind number: 221596
Shipping weight (lbs): 0.68
Package dimensions (inches): 4.16 x 3.78 x 3.54
Country of Origin: China
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