The remarkable true story of the bear who inspired Winnie-the-Pooh. During World War I, Captain Harry Colebourn, a Canadian veterinarian on his way to serve with cavalry units in Europe, rescued a bear cub in White River, Ontario. He named the bear Winnie, after his hometown of Winnipeg, and he took the bear to war. Harry Colebourn's real-life great-granddaughter Lindsay Mattick recounts their incredible journey, from a northern Canadian town to a convoy across the ocean to an army base in England…and finally to the London Zoo, where Winnie made a new friend: a boy named Christopher Robin. Gentle yet haunting illustrations by acclaimed illustrator Sophie Blackall bring the wartime era to life, and are complemented by photographs and ephemera from the Colebourn family archives.
Title: Finding Winnie Book
ISBN: 9781443429184
Mastermind number: 140954
Shipping weight (lbs): 1.12
Package dimensions (inches): 10 x 10 x 1.1
Author: Lindsay Mattick
Illustrator: Sophie Blackall
Publisher: HarperCollins
Pages: 56
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