Every day is a magical adventure with Gia and Gypsy, the dazzling doll and toy horse duo from Glitter Girls!
Their friendship is so strong, they have matching hair! Gia is a 14-inch doll with bright blue eyes, soft lashes, and blond hair that sports a multicolored braid in the front. She also wears a multicolored outfit featuring a pink cowboy hat, a tutu dress with a rainbow and horse print, as well as a yellow pair of leggings and pink riding boots. Easy-open closures let you mix and match with other Glitter Girls dolls! Bend and rotate Gia's arms and legs so she can ride Gypsy and strike a pose. Gypsy is a 14-inch toy horse with a shimmering pink, yellow, and turquoise mane that's out of this world! Brush it, braid it, and style it - it's so soft! From hair play to trail rides, Gia and Gypsy love to spend their whole day together! Playsets and additional outfits sold separately. Recommended for kids ages 3 years and up.
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