The fifth title in the beloved and bestselling Ice Chips series by acclaimed authors Roy MacGregor and Kerry MacGregor and illustrator Kim Smith, featuring a vibrant and diverse cast of characters and inspiring hockey greats In their latest adventure, the Chips travel to British Columbia, meet an inspiring young hockey hero and escape up Anahim Peak, thanks to their new friend's calm head—and a very special puck!
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Title: Ice Chips #5: Grizzly Escape Book
ISBN: 9781443460026
Mastermind number: 220924
Shipping weight (lbs): 0.64
Package dimensions (inches): 7.75 x 5.5 x 0.85
Author: Kerry MacGregor, Roy MacGregor
Illustrator: Kim Smith
Format: Hardcover
Publisher: HarperCollins
Series: Ice Chips
Pages: 240
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