Capture the magic of Doctor Strange with the stunning LEGO Marvel Sanctum Sanctorum (76218), a celebration of the Master of the Mystic Arts - designed with adult enthusiasts in mind. A 3-story tribute to Doctor Strange This 2,708-piece recreation of the Sanctum Sanctorum, the notorious residence of Doctor Strange, incorporates classic scenes from Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. The top story houses the museum of mystical collections, the middle section contains the library and at ground-level there are familiar features both inside and out. The set includes 9 iconic minifigures - Doctor Strange, Wong, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Ebony Maw, Master Mordo, Sinister Strange, Dead Strange and The Scarlet Witch - a host of authentic accessories and several customizable elements, which ensure this rewarding project delivers great pleasure long after the construction work has finished.
Product name: LEGO Marvel Sanctum Sanctorum 76218 Building Kit (2,708 Pieces)
Brand: LEGO
Manufacturer number: 76218
Mastermind number: 226874
Shipping weight (lbs): 6.9
Package dimensions (inches): 18.9 x 22.91 x 4.88
Country of Origin: Mexico
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